Wednesday, May 1, 2019

week 11

Affixes- an additional element placed at the beginning or end of a root, stem, or word, or in the body of a word, to modify its meaning.
this is important so that students create new words and meanings for words they already know.
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Morphemic analysis- A strategy in which the meanings of words can be determined or inferred by examining their meaningful parts.
this is important so that students can understand parts of a word.
Image result for morphemic analysis

Inflectional endings- is a group of letters added to the end of a word to change its meaning.
this is important so that students can change the tense of words.
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Domain specific academic vocabulary -Is language or word choice that is directly related to the class for which you are writing.
this is important so that students can learn vocabulary they are writing about.
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General academic vocabulary- as words that are traditionally used in academic dialogue and text. 
this is important so that student can recognize these words and their meaning when coming across them in reading.
Image result for general academic vocabulary definition

Syllable juncture (bonus)- is a term used to identify the point at which two syllables join. 
this is important so that students learn how the word is broken apart into syllables.
Image result for syllable juncture

Accented syllables (bonus)- syllable that is stressed in pronunciation 
this is important so that students know the meaning after it is change and how to change the word.
Image result for accented syllables
Unaccented final syllables (bonus)

Monday, April 29, 2019

week 8

Sight words- is a common term in reading that has a variety of meanings. When it is applied to early reading instruction, it typically refers to the set of about 100 words that keeps reappearing on almost any page of text. “Who, the, he, were, does, their, me, be” are a few examples.
This is important so that students can recognize words they will often see in a text.
Image result for sight words
Schwa- the unstressed central vowel (as in a mom e nt a go), represented by the symbol ə in the International Phonetic Alphabet.
this is important to know how to sound out a word.
Image result for Schwa
Digraph- is a combination of two letters that make one sound. An example of a digraph is the combination of c and h in the word china.
this is important because  the two letters join together to make one sound.
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Blend - is the ability to string together the sounds that each letter stands for in a word.
this is important so that students can blend sounds to make a word.Image result for blending words
Phonograms- a symbol representing a vocal sound.
this is important because student recognize the pattern in a word.
Image result for Phonograms
Onset - is the initial phonological unit of any word 
This is important so that students recognize the first letter of a word.
Image result for onset in phonics
Rime - refers to the string of letters that follow, usually a vowel and final consonants
this is important so that they can manipulate the first letter to make new words.
Image result for rime in phonics

week 7

Pretend reading-That means to follow the words with your finger from left to right as you read them. As your emergent reader starts to read, they will learn to do the same thing. Encourage "reading" or "pretend reading." This reading from memory provides practice with retelling and practice navigating books correctly.
This is important because it allows the student to practice reading.
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Memory reading- where students have been read a book and can remember words and parts of the book.
This is important because they are remembering what has been read to them.

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Language experience approach-  a whole language approach that promotes reading and writing through the use of personal experiences and oral language.
this is important because students can use personal experiences to relate to a story.
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Dialogic reading- is essentially a reading practice using picture books to enhance and improve literacy and language skills.
This is important because student can look at the pictures and relate what they are reading and remember the pictures.
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Interactive read aloud- is when a teacher orally reads a purposefully-selected book to the class, while asking corresponding, thought-provoking discussion questions throughout the reading of the book
This is important because the teacher can ask them questions so that they are paying attention as well as the student asking questions on the book.
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Mock linear (bonus)- approximate the broader contours of the writing system; linear arrangement of print
This is important because students start to get more into the writing system.
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Alliteration (bonus)- the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words.
This is important so that student can see the same letter or sound with several words in a pattern.
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week 6

Spelling inventory- 
  • used to group students by spelling developmental stages. When you give your student spelling inventories you are able to see what they struggle with (consonants, diagraphs, blends, short vowels.. etc) 
  • This is an assessment used to test students ability to spell and what they are having trouble with.
  • This lets you assess your students and placing  them in spelling development stages. When you have a student that you assed you can find out what they are having trouble with and help them understand.

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Static reversal- 
  • When a child is confused on the proper orientation of the letter or the order of letter in a word. 
  • Students confusing how letters look in a word.
  • This is important because if you notice it you can help your students correct it.

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Kinetic reversal- 
  • when a child confuses words that are mirror images of each other such as (saw and was, ton and not)
  • When the student is writing backwards as if it was a mirror image of the word or letter.
  • This is important because you can see when a student does and correct them and work with them.

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Feature Guide-
Guiding your student to phonics instruction
This is important because you need to have set plans and asses your students on phonics.
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week 10

Word consciousness- means that we prioritize finding newwords, figuring out what they mean, looking for multiple meanings, and adding them to our linguistic repertoire. 
this is important because it builds vocabulary.
Image result for word consciousness
Diphthongs- a sound formed by the combination of two vowels in a single syllable, in which the sound begins as one vowel and moves toward another.
It is important that students build up a repertoire of familiar diphthong words that they have seen in print and can call to mind when writing. 
Image result for diphthongs
Ambiguous vowels- s a phonetic string (segment or sequence) that may be interpreted as a: diphthong. two separate vowels, or. a vowel and a consonant.
make students aware that the double o min moon makes a long o.
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Homophones- each of two or more words having the same pronunciation but different meanings, origins, or spelling.

  • it is important so that student can realize the different meanings.
  • Image result for homophones
Homographs (bonus)- each of two or more words spelled the same but not necessarily pronounced the same and having different meanings and origins.
this is important so that student know the meaning of words and how they are different from the word that looks the same.
Image result for homographs
Homonyms (bonus)
each of two or more words having the same spelling or pronunciation but different meanings and origins.
this is important so that students can know the difference between the words.
Image result for homonyms

Monday, February 25, 2019

Week 5

Invented spelling - This is letting the student practice spelling the word. They will sound out the word and spell it how it sounds and using prior knowledge of other words. For example, In a students work they wrote "Houm" instead of "home".
This is important because it can be corrected and it is a stage students go through and they are starting to write words by how they sound.
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Word walls- This is posted in the classroom of words the students have learned so when they are writing they can use those words or if they need to know the spelling of them.
This is important for students so that they can become familiar with words they will come across while reading.
Image result for word walls
Word sorts- this is when the students will create categories based on the word. We did this in class seperating words that related to a boat, bird and weather.
This is important because students need to find relationships between words.
Image result for word sorts
Morphemes - A meaningful unit of language that cannot be further divided. An example of this would be (one morpheme): boy, desire, lady, water.(Two morphemes): desirable 
This is important for students to see because these words cant be broken down.
Image result for morphemes
Phonemes- a sound or group of different sounds. an example of a phoneme is /K/ cat, kit, scat, skit.
This is important because students realize some letter make the same sounds as others, such as the C in cat.
Image result for phonemes
Synthetic phonics- way of teaching reading. saying the sounds of the letters. 
This is important because students need to realize the sounds that letters make.
Image result for synthetic phonics
Analytic phonics- Children identify common phonemes in a set of words. way of teaching reading with phonemes.
This is important because children can identify the common phonemes.
Image result for analytic phonics

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

  • Interactive writing- This is when the students' and the teacher share the pen and create ideas together in an in group discussion.
  • This is important so that the teach can model good writing for the students.
  • Image result for interactive writing
  • High frequency words- similar to sight words, these are words students' will see often in a text and should know.
  • This is important so that when students come across these words they can recognize them.
  • Image result for high frequency words                                
  • • Orthography- this word means spelling.
  •  It is important for students' to know how to spell that way they are able to write and construct stories on their own.
  • Image result for Orthography
• Word solving- finding what new words mean.
 using context clues and similar words that students understand they will use this to find out how to say a word they are unfamiliar with.
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